Sunny Psychology Maroochydore
Telehealth Appointments
Most psychology appointments can be held via Telehealth, including EMDR Therapy
Telehealth appointments are available for all clients, either via telephone or video consultation. Telehealth can be an easy way to access psychological support, especially when you are interstate, working from home or have to travel a long distance to get to the practice.
Telehealth appointments are eligible for Medicare rebates with a valid Mental Health Care Plan from your general practitioner.
Yes, EMDR Therapy is possible and successful via telehealth.
A Telehealth is very similar to a face-to-face session, so be mindful to dress and behave as if you were visiting the clinic.
Below are more tips to help to make the process of Telehealth as comfortable and productive as possible.
Sunny Psychology
Before the session
Prior to your first Telehealth session, I will email you a Telehealth info sheet with the link to your session.
If it is your, or your child’s first session, I will also send an intake form and the privacy policy. To use your session time effectively, it is important that you read the info sheet and return the intake form before the start of the first session. These are the steps we need to put in place to ensure your Telehealth session runs smoothly:
- You will need a PC or device with high-speed internet connection and adequate data coverage, a high quality web cam and a good speaker/microphone combination.
- Please test your video and audio connection a day before your first online session, so that you are able to troubleshoot any technical issues that may come up.
- Create a secure a comfortable place at your home/workplace that is free from interference and is private so that confidentiality of our session is maintained (remember to close your windows and doors, if you have neighbours close by).
- Please join the online session a few minutes before the session is supposed to start. If you are early to the meeting you will be placed in a virtual waiting room and at the time of our session I will admit you into the meeting.
- Dress appropriately as if you were attending a face to face appointment.
- If you have (young) children or overly excited animals around, please be sure they are occupied and/or supervised. Of course, we welcome very young bubs or support dogs to stay nearby/on you, we want to keep the attachment bond supported :).
- If the session is with your child, please stay close by so that you can help with exercises we may do and to maintain their focus.
- I suggest having a notebook, some water or tea/coffee and tissues ready to make the sessions more comfortable.
- If you are running late, please send an email or text message.
- I will conduct the Telehealth conferences from my session room in Buderim. This will take place on my private computer and with the use of headphones, to ensure confidentiality.
- If there is an unexpected problem with the technology, or internet coverage, I will call your mobile from a private number to continue the session. The caller ID may appear as “No Caller ID”.
Sunny Psychology
During the session
The session will be 50 minutes’ duration, unless otherwise specified prior to the session. Here are a few tips to gain most benefit from your session:
- Take a few minutes before and after the session to take a few deep breaths and mentally prepare for your session and afterwards to allow yourself to return back to day-to-day life. This way you are likely to feel more present, which helps with your session.
- Make sure you are comfortable. As previously mentioned, I suggest having a notebook, some water or tea/coffee and tissues ready to make the sessions more comfortable. A (weighted) blanket, pillow or fidget tool to hold can be nice too.
- Again, remember to have a secure and comfortable place at your home/workplace that is free from interference and is private so that confidentiality of our session is maintained (close windows and sliding doors, let people know you cannot be disturbed and turn your phone on silent).
- During the session, I might send you a link or share my screen. I will explain to you how this works if we need it.
Sunny Psychology
After the session
- Take a few minutes to collect yourself.
- Maybe make some notes, or go over notes you have made. Right after the session is when you are likely to remember most.
- It helps to schedule in suggestions or exercises that were discussed, such as when to read an article or chapter of a book, or when to do a gratitude exercise.